


文章: 梅洛之吻:城市压力肌肤的终极面部护理方案

Merlot's Kiss: The Ultimate Facial Protocol for City-Stressed Skin


欢迎来到 M-ethod Aesthetics,这里是创新与美丽的交融。

我们很高兴推出我们最新的面部护理方案 Merlot's Kiss,这是一种独特的先进疗法组合,旨在让您的皮肤焕发活力。这种独家方案结合了 Signature Micropeel、SkinPen Microneedling + Exosomes、Restylane Vital Light、Dermalux Light Therapy 和 12 周 Obagi Prescriptive Skincare 的功效。加入我们,在伦敦菲茨罗维亚的 MedSpa 开启一段拥有容光焕发的年轻肌肤之旅。

  1. 特色微剥皮:我们的特色微剥皮是一种温和的去角质过程,可去除死皮细胞,展现清新亮丽的肤色。这种治疗可促进皮肤细胞更新,减少细纹,减少色素沉着,改善整体皮肤纹理。

  2. SkinPen 微针疗法 + 外泌体: SkinPen 微针疗法是一种微创手术,可刺激皮肤的自然愈合过程。结合外泌体(强效细胞信号分子),这种疗法可增强胶原蛋白的产生、减少疤痕的出现并改善皮肤弹性。告别细纹,迎接更紧致、更年轻的肤色。

  3. Restylane Vital Light: Restylane Vital Light 是一款专为眼周和唇周等娇嫩部位设计的皮肤增强剂。它可补充流失的透明质酸,恢复皮肤的水分和丰满度。这种疗法有助于减少细纹、改善皮肤弹性,并实现自然、清新的外观。

  4. Dermalux 光疗:我们的 Dermalux 光疗使用 LED 光刺激皮肤细胞,促进胶原蛋白生成并加速愈合过程。这种非侵入性治疗可解决各种皮肤问题,包括痤疮、炎症和发红。享受容光焕发的肤色和舒缓、平静的体验。

  5. 12 周 Obagi 处方护肤:对于那些寻求全面护肤方案的人,我们可选的 12 周 Obagi 处方护肤提供个性化方法来解决特定的皮肤问题。这款护肤计划采用经过临床验证的配方,与 Merlot's Kiss 方案相得益彰,确保效果持久,肤色亮丽。

在 M-ethod™ Aesthetics 体验 Merlot's Kiss 的变革力量。我们位于伦敦菲茨罗维亚的 MedSpa 致力于提供尖端治疗,带来无与伦比的效果。

通过 Signature MicroPEEL、SkinPen Microneedling + Exosomes、Restylane Vital Light、Dermalux Light Therapy 和 12 周 Obagi Prescriptive Skincare 选项的完美结合,让您的肌肤焕发活力。

利用 M-ethod™ 美学的专业知识和创新重新发现您的自然之美。立即预约,步入永恒优雅和自信满满的世界。

Work towards healthier skin

with Dr Mandy

  • Multi-Award Winning with Over 100+ 5-Star Reviews: Loved by her patients & critics, Dr Mandy's priority is focusing on patient education on everything skincare, and empowering you on taking control of your skin's health.
  • Doctor-Led Consultation: Your skin consultation will be a 1-on-1 session with Dr Mandy, a dual-accredited medical aesthetic doctor in the UK and Greece. Dr Mandy has been featured in The Tweakment Guide, Good to Know, and Top Santé, highlighting her expertise and dedication to patient care.
  • Obagi Ambassador: As one of the few UK clinics awarded this prestigious status, Dr Mandy has in-depth knowledge and experience with a wide range of premium cosmeceutical products, including Obagi Medical.
  • Save Face Accredited: We have passed Save Face’s rigorous 116-point assessment process, ensuring we meet the highest standards in patient safety. Save Face is the only government-approved registry for Medical Aesthetics, and we are proud to be accredited by them.

Book your online skin consultation to lean on Dr Mandy's expertise and start your journey to healthier, more radiant skin!


M-edi Facials: Bespoke OBAGI® Protocols for Radiant Results

M-edi 面部护理:定制 OBAGI® 方案,实现容光焕发

探索 OBAGI® 定制的 M-edi 皮肤面部护理。

Revolutionizing Aesthetics in Athens: Doctor-Led Aesthetic Treatments


在雅典的 M-ethod Aesthetics 诊所探索美学卓越典范。在我们位于雅典的专业诊所享受非手术面部提升,释放容光焕发的年轻肌肤。
