


文章: OBAGI® 蓝色剥离光泽

OBAGI® Blue Peel Radiance

OBAGI® 蓝色剥离光泽

什么是 OBAGI® Blue Peel Radiance?

OBAGI® Blue Peel Radiance 是一种著名的化学换肤剂,旨在使肌肤焕发活力。这款专业级去角质产品利用水杨酸、乳酸和乙醇酸的混合物来去除皮肤最外层的角质,解决从肤色不均到轻微瑕疵等一系列问题。

OBAGI® Blue Peel Radiance 适合谁?

Obagi Blue Peel Radiance 是寻求快速有效解决方案的个人的理想选择,适合那些有色素沉着过度、细纹和痤疮疤痕等问题的人。然而,对氢醌过敏或活动性皮肤感染的个体应避免这种治疗。


通常以 3 至 6 次疗程进行,间隔 2-4 周,这种换肤术在融入全面的护肤方案时可提供最佳效果。在换肤之前,必须咨询皮肤护理专业人士,以确定是否适合并解决任何问题。



总之,Obagi Blue Peel Radiance 对于那些追求容光焕发肤色的人来说是一个强大的解决方案。量身定制的方法加上换肤后护理,可确保获得最佳效果,展现更明亮、更光滑、更年轻的肌肤。

Work towards healthier skin

with Dr Mandy

  • Multi-Award Winning with Over 100+ 5-Star Reviews: Loved by her patients & critics, Dr Mandy's priority is focusing on patient education on everything skincare, and empowering you on taking control of your skin's health.
  • Doctor-Led Consultation: Your skin consultation will be a 1-on-1 session with Dr Mandy, a dual-accredited medical aesthetic doctor in the UK and Greece. Dr Mandy has been featured in The Tweakment Guide, Good to Know, and Top Santé, highlighting her expertise and dedication to patient care.
  • Obagi Ambassador: As one of the few UK clinics awarded this prestigious status, Dr Mandy has in-depth knowledge and experience with a wide range of premium cosmeceutical products, including Obagi Medical.
  • Save Face Accredited: We have passed Save Face’s rigorous 116-point assessment process, ensuring we meet the highest standards in patient safety. Save Face is the only government-approved registry for Medical Aesthetics, and we are proud to be accredited by them.

Book your online skin consultation to lean on Dr Mandy's expertise and start your journey to healthier, more radiant skin!


The Significance of SAVE FACE Accreditation for Patient Safety and Optimal Outcomes

SAVE FACE 认证对于患者安全和最佳结果的意义


BRIGHT SKY Protocol for Pigmentation & Melasma

针对色素沉着和黄褐斑的 BRIGHT SKY 方案

使用我们的 BRIGHT SKY 方案,针对色素沉着过度和肤色不均问题,打造更亮丽的肌肤。
