CLENZIderm 毛孔护理
In compliance with UK regulations, access to this product requires an active account with us.
The Obagi Rx range is available exclusively for UK residents only. If you are residing outside of the UK, please contact us for recommendations on suitable alternatives.
含有 2% 水杨酸。毛孔疗法在给肌肤带来清爽感觉的同时,还能为痤疮治疗方案的下一步做好准备。
尺寸: 148 毫升/5.0 液体盎司
使用前请摇匀瓶子。清洁后,将棉球或棉垫牢牢地放在泵上,按压 2 至 3 次以浸透,然后每天 1 至 3 次在整个患处覆盖一层薄薄的药膏。
由于本产品可能会使皮肤干燥,因此请先每天使用 1 次,然后根据需要或按照医生的指示逐渐增加到每天 2 或 3 次。让产品完全风干;不要冲洗掉。如果皮肤干燥或脱皮变得过于严重或令人烦恼,请将使用次数减少到每天一次或每隔一天一次。
水杨酸 2%
苯甲醇、母菊花提取物、乙氧基二甘醇、紫罗兰 2 号提取物、香料、甘油、薄荷醇、薄荷氧基丙二醇、乳酸薄荷酯、SD 酒精 40-B、水(水)
Shake the bottle well before dispensing. After cleansing, place a cotton ball or pad over the pump firmly and pump 2 to 3 times to saturate, then cover the entire affected area with a thin layer 1 to 3 times daily. Because this product may dry your skin, start with 1 application daily, then gradually increase to 2 or 3 times daily if needed or as directed by your doctor. Allow the product to air dry completely; do not rinse off. If dryness or peeling becomes excessive or bothersome, reduce application to once a day or every other day.
Quality Skincare from The M-ethod Aesthetics with
a Peace of Mind
Obagi 大使诊所
作为 Obagi 英国大使诊所,您可以放心订购所有 Obagi 产品,确保其真实性和有效性,并获得无与伦比的客户支持。
在 The M-ethod™ Aesthetics,我们为您的每笔订单提供持续的护肤支持(通过 WhatsApp/短信/电子邮件/电话)。这是我们表达感激和照顾客户的方式。联系我们了解更多信息。